In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra
Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

25: What does it REALLY take to run multiple businesses? w/ Zoelle Devlin
On today’s episode we have the lovely Zoelle Devlin, the Missoula, Montana entrepreneur behind Love Dot and Love Zoelle. Zoelle has a beautiful eye for design, mind for business, and heart for serving — all of which serve her in her two businesses that she’s sharing about on this episode. Everyyyy purpose-driven creative entrepreneur will have something to gain from this conversation.

22: Selling a hand made creative product w/ Hannah Lorenzen
On episode 22 of the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m chatting with Hannah Lorenzen, the Missoula-based owner of Han-MadeWithLove — she makes stunning clay jewelry and it’s so freaking unique, you guys, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I hired Hannah to design pieces to go in my welcome boxes for my wedding and elopement clients and I am absolutely blown away by the care she put into each design. I knew I had to get her on the pod to tell you about her process. If you’ve been wanting to sell a creative product but you’re not sure where to start, this is a great episode with a heart-centered approach from Hannah...but, yeah, I mostly just want to hype this woman up so that you go freaking check her out. Make your dollars mean something this holiday season — shop local, shop small.