In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra
Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

40: Business with purpose: serving the multicultural community w/ Destini French
Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because today we have one of the most talented hair and makeup artists and my dear friend DESTNI, the owner of Cultured Roots in Bozeman, Montana. Destini serves the multicultural community in Montana and she has an incredible vision for how she intends to serve through her services and through textured hair education — this is a must listen, seriously.

38: Create the community you need w/ the founder of GirlGetAfterIt Cassidy Wendell!
Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m your host Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because today we have Cassidy Wendell, the Bozeman Montana based founder of GirlGetAfterIt. Cass is a powerhouse of an entrepreneur and I couldn’t believe all of the wisdom she brought to this episode of the pod — I got so much out of her story of grief and finding community and figuring out how to run the successful business she has today. She indulged my curiosities and I’m so grateful because I legitimately learned so much from her and I know you will too — there are a tonnnn of tangible tips on top of all of the inspiring stories and encouragement. Cassidy is incredible.

22: Selling a hand made creative product w/ Hannah Lorenzen
On episode 22 of the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m chatting with Hannah Lorenzen, the Missoula-based owner of Han-MadeWithLove — she makes stunning clay jewelry and it’s so freaking unique, you guys, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I hired Hannah to design pieces to go in my welcome boxes for my wedding and elopement clients and I am absolutely blown away by the care she put into each design. I knew I had to get her on the pod to tell you about her process. If you’ve been wanting to sell a creative product but you’re not sure where to start, this is a great episode with a heart-centered approach from Hannah...but, yeah, I mostly just want to hype this woman up so that you go freaking check her out. Make your dollars mean something this holiday season — shop local, shop small.

6 Mary Kantner: Human-centered business and keeping the art sacred
Mary Kantner is a portrait photographer based out of Los Angeles, CA. She is inspired by “imperfections”, in-between moments, and telling a story in her photographs. She uses both film and digital photography fluently within her work.

5 Shyla Hadley: A candid conversation about what it is to be a person with my college roommate
In this episode, I interview my college roommate Shyla Hadley. Shyla is one of my dearest friends, and was the star of many of my dumb YouTube videos that prompted people to start inquiring about paid photo and video projects. We walk down memory lane a bit before diving into what it meant to support and protect one another over the years, and what it meant to shift roles as long distance friends and merge our lives with romantic partners. This is a fun one!

4 Leanna Krenik: How Her Personal Style Shaped Her Mindset and Career
Leanna Krenik is my dear friend and a Bozeman, Montana based photographer. In this episode of the Montana Diaries podcast, Leanna gets craazzzyyyy vulnerable about her feelings about her personal style and social perception shaped her creativity and career. Keep listening until the end because Leanna's mindset around keeping her personal life and marriage sacred paired with her thoughts about protecting her time are pure gold.

3 Dawn Charles: Photography, Education, and Entrepreneurship
Dawn Charles is an adventurous wedding and elopement photographer turned educator and the founder of Rise Photo Academy, which Dawn calls "Netflix for photographers." She is the creator of multiple digital products and resources for photographers, including her wildly popular DC presets. Dawn joins the Montana Diaries podcast to talk about her progression from photography student, to intern, to business owner. These days, Dawn's main passion lies with helping small business owners find success in their niche.
2 Elise Perpignano: How Glacier National Park Inspired Her Creative Life and Career
Elise Perpignano is a Montana-based artist who specializes in graphic design and oil painting. Elise joins the Montana Diaries podcast to talk all things creativity and business. We discuss the freedom of trying things in childhood, what it feels like to try to cast a practical creative vision and monetize making things, and living outside Glacier National Park.
1 April Sky: Following Intuition in Business, Life, and Motherhood
April Sky is a Montana-based photographer and business coach for moms. She joins the Montana Diaries podcast to discuss her journey from stay-at-home mom to thriving owner of two businesses. In this chat, April gets personal about her divorce and the mindset hurdles she faced as a single mom faced with providing for her son financially for the first time.
Montana Diaries Hosted by Shayna Lloyd
The Montana Diaries Podcast hosted by Shayna Lloyd || Channel Trailer