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Your EASY and Effective SEO + blogging strategy for 2024 — OWN GOOGLE BBY ft. Danielle Johnson
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

Your EASY and Effective SEO + blogging strategy for 2024 — OWN GOOGLE BBY ft. Danielle Johnson

Your EASY and Effective SEO + blogging strategy for 2024 — OWN GOOGLE BBY ft. Danielle Johnson — SEO + blogging expert Danielle Johnson joins us on the Hey, Thriver podcast today to outline an easy and effective SEO blogging strategy for 2024 -- if you're a photographer, videographer, or creative service provider, you NEED to listen to this episode.

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Re-focus on your priorities for creativity, business, health, and relationships in 2024! | LIVE TO THRIVE JANUARY 2024
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

Re-focus on your priorities for creativity, business, health, and relationships in 2024! | LIVE TO THRIVE JANUARY 2024

In this episode of Hey, Thriver, Devin and Shay talk through an audit of areas of focus for thriving in business, life, health, and creativity — they get candid about where they struggle and where they need to re-focus, and encourage YOU to prioritize your own thriving TODAY. Don’t wait until Monday, don’t wait until the new year. Let’s goooo!

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DON’T WAIT! Audit your life + biz and thrive BEFORE the New Year
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

DON’T WAIT! Audit your life + biz and thrive BEFORE the New Year

In this episode of Hey, Thriver, Devin and Shay talk through an audit of areas of focus for thriving in business, life, health, and creativity — they get candid about where they struggle and where they need to re-focus, and encourage YOU to prioritize your own thriving TODAY. Don’t wait until Monday, don’t wait until the new year. Let’s goooo!

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How to add Super-8 to your photography business
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

How to add Super-8 to your photography business

In this episode of Hey, Thriver, Shay grillssss Devin about Super 8! Devin upsells Super 8 as an add-on for her incredible photography clients. Not only is it a great source of income, but Super 8 is truly art — a nostalgic, vintage, home video dream. Listen to learn how YOU can add Super 8 to your biz!

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HEY, THRIVER: All about the new creative business podcast for action takers
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

HEY, THRIVER: All about the new creative business podcast for action takers

HEY, THRIVER: All about the new creative business podcast for action takers — In this episode of the Hey, Thriver podcast, Devin + Shay chat about:
01. Introducing the rebrand — things are different! Here is our ol' pal Devin, here to stay!
02. How we met, the progression of our relationship, why we wanna do this together:
03. What is the hole in the photo/video/creative service industries, problems, and how we’re filling the holes + fixing the problems lol
04. What do we want for our audience and our students and our attendees
05. What does thriving actually mean?

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Building a brand that has NO competition ft. Eden Strader!
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

Building a brand that has NO competition ft. Eden Strader!

Eden Strader is a six figure photographer turned business coach who inspires creative entrepreneurs, artists, and makers to build a life of artistic growth, wealth, and personal power with carefully curated strategies in marketing, mindset, sales strategy, and self care through excavating her client's unique brand of magic. Everything Eden Strader is based on the concept that we should be building our dream businesses in order to have our dream lives - not stopping at the business as the final destination.

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What is your minimum acceptable baseline? Ft. Tanessa Shears!
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

What is your minimum acceptable baseline? Ft. Tanessa Shears!

Tanessa Shears is a Kinesiologist, Certified Sleep Science Coach, and health consultant who helps entrepreneurs double their energy and focus so they can make more money in their business with her 12 Becoming Limitless Protocols. She works closely with business owners to eliminate brain fog and wake up well rested so they can get more done in less time, maintain consistent, stable energy throughout the day and feel better than they have in years. Tanessa is also the host of The Becoming Limitless Podcast, sharing her expertise on optimizing health and focus for business success.

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Dropping the "D" word in 2023 ft. DEI Expert Meshayla Cox!
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

Dropping the "D" word in 2023 ft. DEI Expert Meshayla Cox!

“I am a proud black woman born and raised in southern California and molded in Montana. I have fiercely advocated racial equity in Montana for nearly a decade. During this time, I have educated and impacted over 1,700 people in the public and private sectors - from philanthropy & technology to conservation. I regularly deliver workshops and trainings on racism, equity, DEI, and organizational transformation nationwide—including as a TEDx speaker.”

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LAZY MARKETING 101 ft. SEO blogging expert Danielle Johnson!
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

LAZY MARKETING 101 ft. SEO blogging expert Danielle Johnson!

LAZY MARKETING 101 w/ SEO BLOGGING EXPERT DANIELLE JOHNSON: Learn how to blog with SEO in mind in a way that feels doable, approachable, and empowering using Danielle’s tried & tested strategies! Set yourself up so that your website is bringing you new leads + new money behind the scenes without you even touching it.

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The fastest way to grow an elopement photography and videography business in 2023
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

The fastest way to grow an elopement photography and videography business in 2023

The fastest way to grow an elopement photography and videography business in 2023

Hellooooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so stoked you’re here as always — today’s episode is features a chat with my dear friend Devin of Backcountry Bohemians. Devin and I are obsessed w/ what we do andddd we’re hosting a content retreat in New Mexico this June! In this conversation, we go over the obstacles that are holding our fellow elopement photographers + videographers back from growing their businesses and finding the sucess they so desperately want…and that we want for them!

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Perfectionism is literally ruining your life and business lol
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

Perfectionism is literally ruining your life and business lol

2023 Content Marketing Strategy for Creative Business — Hellooooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so stoked you’re here as always — today’s episode is on literally my favoirte topic in the universe when it comes to creative business, which is creative business content creation strategy— I really just want to dive deeepppp on content in 2023, and I want to go hard on quantity and on service, so truly helping people on the photo/video side of my business and the business education side — I am such a huge believer in content marketing and I think brands will win when they go hard on content — can you tell I’m deep into Gary V’s universe!? I’m so bought in though, and if I can get you to buy in just a little I really really really think we can majorly impact the success of your business.

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In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra
Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra

Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

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